فارسی عربي


A review of last weekend’s movie

‘Dream Interpretation’, aired last weekend on ifilm, starring Iranian superstar Shahab Hosseini, has been welcomed by critics. Here’s a select few of many.

1- Shahab Hosseini, the lead actor, played an important role in rewriting the screenplay, which changed the police officer’s role from a typical one, to a special man, with his own personal problems. That’s why the film made a difference.

2- As the story, despite many in the genre, revolves around the policeman’s mistake, it depicted a new perspective; the officer keeps struggling with evil thoughts, willing to avoid them. He finally rejects the bribe proposed by a strange man, who is reminiscent of the Devil.

3- The policeman was also different in the way he dealt with criminals. He didn’t believe in the common idea of arresting and humiliating all criminals, or trying to execute them himself.

4- While the long struggle for getting out of the quagmire coincides with the officer’s personal problems and hardships, he faces a severe mental problem, which makes decision making hard for him. Making a difficult choice occurs to virtually everyone, but this time, the person is a policeman in the noir genre; that’s the only difference.

5- The production counts on the audience close interaction with each and every scene, in many of which there’s a small clue.

6- And last but not least, Shahab Hosseini once again performs a very good role, as everyone would expect.

